Alaska’s first month!

Hi everyone, I started writing this when Alaska was eight days old. She’s a month and day old today and I’ve finally managed to write this! It’s so hectic being a mum! So, the last thing I posted about Alaska was the birth story. Well, I’l going to write about her first month and what I can remember from it.

Alaska being fed by daddy for the first time <3

Alaska being fed by daddy for the first time ❤

She was born at 4:09 and met her daddy about 4:25 (he wasn’t with me in the last part of labour as I didn’t want him to see me like that). They had lots of cuddles and he fed her for the first time. He also dressed her into her first clothes as I couldn’t get up for the first 6 hours because of having an epidural (even though it didn’t work). We then enjoyed alone time with Alaska, just starring at how perfect she is and cuddling and kissing her. We were so amazed that she was finally there and she was such a tiny little cutie. We actually sat there going ‘Look, she has little hands’, ‘Look, she has little feet’ etc. Liam also pointed out that she has exactly the same ears as him ha ha. I pointed out that she looks exactly like him.


in her warm little bed:)

Her first visitors except from daddy, were my mum and dad – her Babcia and Dziadek (they’re Polish) who came at around 6am. They enjoyed meeting our little precious baby and cuddling her. They had to go at 7am as my mum had to go to work but she ended up visiting us later on in the day to see us and get more cuddles with Alaska. While at the hospital, Alaska met her Godmum Gemma, our friend Joe, Auntie Nat and Uncle Tom, family friend Gosia and my mum’s friend Ola. On the first night, Alaska wouldn’t sleep anywhere but on her mummy so I got no sleep of course but I didn’t mind. I was finally a mum! And my daughter was perfect – healthy and beautiful and curled up right on my chest, breathing deeply and smelling amazing like babies do. The next day, she was sleeping for 4 hours at a time and only waking up for feeds. At night however, all hell broke loose. I didn’t know what to do, she was crying and I was all alone. After a breakdown and finally caving in and asking a midwife for help, it turned out she was just hungry and I wasn’t putting the bottle in her mouth properly and she was also picking up my frustration and stress and crying about that. I also hadn’t slept since labour at that point so tiredness was kicking in. After finally getting the hang of things, I felt ready to go home with my baby after a two-day hospital stay. We got all our stuff together (and after staying at the hospital for a week it felt like I was moving out), wrapped Alaska up and put her in the car seat. The snow suit that we brought was waaaaay too big for her which made her look even tinier. At home, we had ‘Welcome home’ banners and family waiting for us. Alaska finally got to meet her Nan Nan, Auntie India, Auntie Storm, Auntie Lexi, Uncle Zane. They were all absolutely amazed by her and loved cuddles, except from Lexi who is only 2 and was a bit poorly and Zane who was too scared to hold her just yet.


cuddles with auntie Storm


cuddles with auntie India and uncle Zane


cuddles with uncle Sam


So I’ve been trying to write this post for weeks now, Alaska is 9 weeks old now and I’m going to do her weekly updates because trying to write up a few weeks out of her life will take me a few weeks! So here’s photos from her first month as a picture means a thousand words, sorry about this and hope you enjoy!


lively girl<3


One month old!!


cuddles with auntie Lexi and her new toy<3


first cuddles with uncle Zane:)


daddy and his marshmallow in her carseat<3




little bear in her snowsuit<3


short walk in the sun with mummy ❤


cuddles with Nath


hungry girl<3


sleepy little princess<3


sharing a bed with daddy ❤


cuddles with mama<3


tired girl<3


flowers for mama from mother-in-law!


baby girl socks from Nana:)


one of her lovely congratulations cards!


sleepy yellow princess ❤


it’s a girl baloon from auntie Nat!:)


flowers for mama for her hard work in labour from Hazel:)


lovely baby and mama present from auntie Nat’s in-laws!


tiny baby in her huge cot ❤


cuddles with auntie Beth!


first walk in the pram with mama and dada!


sleepy mama cuddles!


yawning in her pretty dress, on the way to the registry office!


little legs in adorable tights!


first time inside her pram and she smiles:’)


Alaska in her superbaby babygrow (right before she pooed all over it!)

Hope you enjoyed the begging of the story and the rest in pictures, I will try my hardest to update more often!

All the best,