Birth (well, labour) story!

I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to write this but there’s so little time to do stuff like this with a newborn baby in the house. (I’ve been trying to write this since she was a week old and she’s two weeks old today ha ha, but here it goes:

last bump shot<3

On Thursday the 30th, I went to a growth scan as I have had to get them throughout my pregnancy due to my BMI being too low
when I got pregnant and there being worries about Alaska’s growth. At the scan Alaska looked perfectly fine but the amount of fluid around her was too low so I got told I’m going to have to be induced asap. I was 37+2 then and even though I knew she was ready to come out, I was terrified! I had lunch plans with my friend Gemma after, I had plans for the week after to go baby shopping and I found out I was having my baby so soon! I felt like I was so unprepared even though I had nine months to prepare myself. I also found out that I probably won’t be allowed to have a C-section out of choice . I rang Liam and told him that we’re having our baby on that day or the day after! He was shocked, I left the hospital to go home and pack my hospital bag. On the way home, I went to see Liam, we talked and sorted out that he will get ready and meet me at the hospital at 3pm (2 hours later) and me and Gemma rushed home to pack my hospital bag.

amazing hospital food<3

amazing hospital food<3

At 3pm, me and Gemma were at the hospital reception, waiting for Liam to come. He turned up with our friend Joe and we all walked in and started looking for the Labour Ward. We found it, I got a bed given to me and got told to wait for a midwife to come. We sat around talking and drinking coffee until 6pm when they admitted me into the hospital and I was put on a heart monitor thingy. She was happy as they come and I was having contractions about 5-10 minutes apart just like have done for the week before. They were irregular and weren’t actually speeding up my labour. The delivery ward was very busy that night so they decided to induce me in the morning, after my first hospital dinner (which was amazing), me and Liam cuddled up in my hospital bed until about 2am (with a break when Liam went to get me chips and gravy from a fish&chip shop which was my last pregnancy craving). He then went home to sleep a bit before the baby arrives. I fell asleep at about 6am because I could hear a lot of women screaming while in labour and I realised that’s going to be me so soon!


Liam reading a baby book while waiting for Alaska


me on the heart rate monitor thingy (looking like a whale)

On Friday 31st, at 10am, after a yummy hospital breakfast and half an hour on the heart monitor thingy, I went in to get checked and got the pessary put in (fucking painful), this also meant I had my first bit of gas and air and loved it! They told me my cervix was already quite soft so it shouldn’t take long for me to have my daughter. They’re so wrong sometimes! I was on the heart rate monitor thingy and my contractions were almost constant but not strong or regular.

2014-01-31 10.47.09


My memory is a bit fuzzy as to order of things for the rest of my labour (sorry) but I spent that day with Liam and Gemma and my mum paid me a short visit too. I also had a lot (around 10) bubbly baths and had amazing hospital food, even if I did have to eat some of it while bouncing on the birthing ball. I was also taking the biggest amount of Codeine and Paracetamol they would give me for the pain. My contractions were getting stronger and stronger.

2014-01-31 20.39.06


On Saturday 1st, at 10am they did another check and my cervix softened up and I was dilated to 2cm which meant that my labour was progressing but I had to have another pessary put in. Immediately after, I was in a lot of pain so I was doing everything I could to help me cope: bouncing on the birthing ball, walking, eating hospital food for energy, trying to sleep, taking the biggest amount of Codeine and Paracetamol available, having lots of hot baths and everything else. I was in so much pain I asked my midwife for help and she got me TENS machine which helped me for a few hours but then the pain was so unbearable I couldn’t even feel the TENS machine. I was then put on the heart monitor thingy and even though my contractions were 1-2 mins apart, they refused to check me so early.

well, technically this is the last bump shot and me looking fed up of labour

well, technically this is the last bump shot and me looking fed up of labour

At 4pm, I was bouncing on my birthing ball with the TENS machine and trying to eat dinner (managed to eat a bowl of soup) but I was in so much pain I asked the midwife if I could have the injection painkiller that she said I can ask for when the pain is really unbearable. When my mum and Liam who were there with me, left the room so that I could have the injection, I felt an urge to push and I told the midwifes who were there and they wheeled me into a delivery room straight away, before they gave me the injection. After realising it was a false alarm, my mucus plug broke and I got checked. I was 5-6cm and had contractions one minute apart. Liam and mum got called back into the room and I spoke to them for a bit and then told them to go home and rest and wait by the phone. I had gas and air for contractions and was getting more and more tired. The next time I got checked was at midnight and I was 9cm. I got so excited even though I was in so much pain, I texted Liam and our families to let them know they’ll be a new addition to our family. The midwife said I have a bulging bag of waters and that she can break them for me, I agreed and when she was getting the equipment ready, I coughed (still had my chest infection) and my waters broke. I had an epidural at some point around then (can’t remember) and when I started to feel it, at around 1am, I started pushing. I was so exhausted I was falling asleep in between contractions (as much as you can fall asleep in like 30 seconds anyway). My epidural didn’t work even after being topped up 5 times and it being in the right place, I could still feel the stronger contractions and I could feel Alaska being born.

Alaska's first photo ever (about 5 mins old) <3

Alaska’s first photo ever (about 5 mins old) ❤

She arrived at 4:09am and when they passed her onto my chest, wrigling and still curled up like she was in my belly, I forgot about feeling the pain. The first thing I said was ‘I just gave birth.’ and then I started talking to my perfect daughter. It took two pushes to get the placenta out and I can’t remember much about what happened after because my little girl was finally in my arms!

the first picture of Alaska and her daddy <3

the first picture of Alaska and her daddy ❤

Her Apgar scores were 9/1min and 10/5mins. She was beautiful from the start and daddy got rung in and came to meet her about 1 mins after she was born. Labour was tough but every single minute was worth it to have our little girl here!

Lots of love,

37 week update

Hi y’all,
I can finally stop worrying about having a preemie. Our little girl is officially full term today and that also means she can come any minute (exciting!).

Alaska is fully developed and her gut now contains her first poo. She is still kicking and wriggling constantly. Lanugo (baby hair that covers her body) is now almost gone but she might still have patches of it when she’s born. I can’t believe there’s a little perfect newborn baby all ready to come out of my belly and be here so we can cuddle and kiss her and take care of her. We’re so excited to meet her!

My bump might start to drop soon and I wake up every morning all hopeful that it has dropped but can’t see a difference so far. When it drops, it means that our little girl is engaging, ready for birth. My back still hurts, I’m still fat and achy everywhere and can’t wait to be done with pregnancy. As for labour signs, I get painful contractions every day now, two or three times a day and every day I get excited that it’s finally time and it never is! So disappointing! Two days ago I also started feeling cramps in my lower tummy along with contractions but those went away too. I also had random morning sickness today, which might be my body cleansing for the big day. I think I might have started dilating as well because sex feels different but that might be for a million other reasons and in the UK there’s no examinations until you’re in active labour so I guess I won’t know. I’ve also been nesting like crazy but there will be separate posts about that and I’m also currently in my sister’s/guest bedroom because the walls in our room are getting painted and redone completely yaay, I’ll post pictures up when it’s all set up!

Just to warn you all, from now on, if I randomly stop posting for a while, it means that Alaska is here! Omg I can’t believe I can actually say that now! We’re so excited!!!

Thanks for reading,

36 week update!

Hi everyone,
Sorry for not updating when I actually hit 36 weeks (on Monday) but I haven’t been very well and after going to the doctor’s today, it turns out I have pneumonia. So not much energy for writing on here or doing anything else so I will update this blog more when I start to feel better.
I had my baby shower on Sunday and it was lovely but I will do a separate post on that!

This week, Alaska’s bones are hardening and getting stronger but her brain, lungs, nervous system and suckling instincts are now fully developed. She’s meant to weight around 2.7kg/6 pounds but we will find out how much she actually weighs at the growth scan on Thursday. We will also find out our C-section date!!!!! She’s also still active as ever and seems to be having fun putting mummy in pain.

Aside from having pneumonia and feeling terrible because of that, I also have backache and am extremely tired thanks to our little princess but it will definitely be worth it and so soon!! I also have contractions a lot more often now, at least a few times a day which just makes me more and more excited about her arrival!

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoyed reading,
I’ll update more when I get a bit better,